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CivTech 10.8 - How can technology reduce pharmaceutical waste?
Buyer : Scottish Government
Waste of prescribed pharmaceutical items is a major issue. In 2015 NHS England conservatively estimated that at least GBP300 million was spent on unused medicines. In addition, unwanted and unused medicines are often disposed of incorrectly, and this ....
CivTech Challenge 10.1 - How can technology identify and measure firefighter exp ....
Buyer : Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Firefighters are routinely exposed to a variety of contaminants during and after fire incidents. These contaminants can include chemical, biological, and particulate matter that pose significant health risks. The issue of contaminant exposure is both ....
CivTech 9.4 - How can innovation help get venison sourced through [sustainable] ....
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) are tasked with the humane culling of deer and transportation of deer carcases across a wide range of landscapes and terrains across Scotland. The process of retrieving the carcass to a larder facility can be time con ....
CivTech Challenge 8.5 - Hosting, Support, Maintenance & Call-Off Contract
Buyer : Scottish Natural Heritage
Hosting, Support, Maintenance & Call-Off Contract - following the completion of the pre-commercialisation stage (PCA) if the CivTech Prog. & Phase 1, the contractor will undertake Phase 2 of the services for hosting, support, maintenance & ....
CIvTech 9.6 - How can technology help Scotland’s public sector protect against ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
Ransomware has become a sustained and significant cyber threat globally,. Victims typically fall to automated, distributed attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in systems, processes and human behaviours. Once inside a network, a criminal may use digita ....
CivTech 9.2 - How can technology help empower women to better understand menopau ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
Over 50% of Scotland’s Population will experience the menopause and while a minority may not experience any symptoms, many more will find that it impacts their lives and a significant proportion will experience severe and negative impacts affecting ....
CivTech 9.9 - How can technology and data create a streamlined experience to hel ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
This opportunity is to develop a technology solution, starting with two use cases for the licencing of tobacco and fireworks products. The existing Tobacco Register lacks accurate and consistent data required by those that use this system, leading to ....
CivTech 9.8 - How can technology offer everyone an individualised communications ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
How can technology offer everyone an individualised communications channel thatis endlessly adaptable, never goes out of date and interacts with public sectorservices securely and in a timely way?
CivTech 9.7 - How can technology help increase access to public services and pro ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
Identity verification is fragmented, with diverse practices across the Scottish public sector. ScotAccount aims to standardise this, combining biometric checks and knowledge-based verification to establish identities in line with GPG 45. We know that ....
CivTech 9.3 - How can we help Wildlife Rangers identify the exact location of ev ....
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Protecting Scotland’s forests by achieving sustainable deer densities is vital but requires considerable effort and resource. The inherently secretive nature of deer makes this additionally challenging, further compounded by the deers’ awareness ....
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