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FCC/047/21 - Proposed 10 Unit Housing Development & Studio/Gallery Space at Ball ....
Buyer : Fingal County Council
The contract comprises 2 nr separate project on sites as follows: - Site A: The construction of a 10 unit housing development and studio/gallery space and associated site development works. and Site B: The construction of a 5 unit passive house devel ....
181920 - Holy Child Secondary School Killiney – Roll No. 60250M - Main Contrac ....
Buyer : Holy Child Killiney NS
Holy Child School, Military Road, Killiney, Co Dublin – Roll No. 60250M - Main Contract Works – Reconfiguration and refurbishment of part of the existing school building, including the installation of new floor plate within former PE hall, associ ....
Holy Child Community School - Tender for the supply,delivery and installation an ....
Buyer : Holy Child Community School
Tender for the supply,delivery and installation and maintenance of Construction Studies and Applied Technology room equipment at Holy Child CS,Pearse Street,Thomastown,Sallynoggin co Dublin
Hedgestown National School - Construction of two story, eight classroom school o ....
Buyer : Hedgestown National School
Expressions of Interest are invited for suitably qualified Main Contractors who wish to be considered for the works including the construction of a two storey, eight classroom school of approx. 1616 sq.m. including general purpose room, support teach ....
FCC/153/22 - Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services Design, Procurement, Constr ....
Buyer : Fingal County Council
Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services formed by Civil and Structural Engineer (Lead Consultant and Employers Representative), Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, Planning Consultant, Conservation Architect, PSDP, Landscape Archit ....
FCC/383/20 - Professional Conservation led consultancy services for Conservation ....
Buyer : Fingal County Council
Fingal County Council wishes to commission an integrated team to deliver on the following aims;a) Develop a Conservation Plan for Ardgillan Castle and Demesne.b) Commission, procure, manage and provide a topographical survey for the full Ardgillan De ....
FCC/052/22 - Public Realm Redevelopment and Associated Works at Quay Street & En ....
Buyer : Fingal County Council
Public realm redevelopment of a busy town centre site in the heart of Balbriggan with a total site area measuring 19,300 sqm approx. Works to be undertaken in a busy town centre location surrounded by continuing extensive residential and commercial u ....
Construction of a 1 Unit at 37 Fitzgerald Park, Monkstown, Co Dublin.
Buyer : Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Kilhedge Lane - Sheltered Housing at Kilhedge Lane, Lusk, Co Dublin
Buyer : Túath Housing Association Ltd
Sheltered housing for the elderly, consisting of 31 no. dwellings, communal facility and all associated site development works at Kilhedge Lane, Lusk, Co Dublin.
001 - Construction of new Sensory Garden within existing Public Park in Skerries ....
Buyer : Skerries Business Association
Floraville Park is located on Strand Street, the main commercial street in the town of Skerries. The park is leased from Fingal Co Co to the Skerries Business Association(SBA) who are now seeking tenders from eligible contractors for the construction ....
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