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Provision of Cold Beverages for College Training Restaurant
Buyer : Pembrokeshire College
Air freight for goods will only be considered if a Force Majeure event has occurred, suppliers must gain written approval from NHS Supply Chain: Food to utilise air freight for the delivery of any goods into NHS Supply Chain or any of its customers. ....
The supply of Cold Beverages, Confectionery and Snacks
Buyer : leicestershire partnership nhs trust
Supply of Inpatients Confectionary
Cold Beverages, Confectionery and Snacks
NHS Supply Chain: food seeked to establish a non-exclusive framework agreement for the supply to Trusts within the NHS (the 'Customer(s)'). via the Stocked (All Lots except lot 6) and eDirect (Lot 6 only) Routes to market for cold beverages, confecti ....
Cold Beverages, Confectionery and Snacks
Buyer : NHS Supply Chain: Food is operated by Foodbuy Europe Ltd, as agent, for and on behalf of Supply Chai
NHS Supply Chain: food seeks to establish a non-exclusive framework agreement for the supply to Trusts within the NHS (the ‘Customer(s)’). via the stocked (all lots except Lot 6) and E-Direct (Lot 6 only) Routes to market for cold beverages, conf ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Cold beverages.
Cold Beverages Water and Cuplets
Buyer : Foodbuy, a trading division of Compass Contract Services (UK) Limited, acting as agent on behalf of
NHS Supply Chain, food seeks to establish a non-exclusive Framework Agreement for supply to NHS supply chain depots via the Stock route for the supply of Cold Beverages Water and Cuplets. The Framework Agreement will have an initial term of 12 months ....
Cold Beverages, Confectionery and Snacks
Buyer : Foodbuy, a trading division of Compass Contract Services (UK) Limited, acting as agent on behalf of
NHS Supply Chain Food seeked to establish a non-exclusive Framework Agreement for supply to NHS supply chain depots via the stock route for but not limited to cold beverages, confectionery and snacks.It is anticipated that in the first 12 months of t ....
Buyer : University Of The West Of England
Supply of Cold beverages in Merchants until July 2018.
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