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Conservation Works in Bunhill Fields Burial Ground & Churchyards in the Squa ....
Buyer : City of London Corporation
The City of London Corporation (the City) invites Tenders for the Provision of Conservation Works in Bunhill Fields Burial Ground and Churchyards in the Square Mile. The duration of the contract is five (5) years with the option for the City to break ....
This invitation to tender is issued by North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium ("NEUPC") for the establishment of a new framework agreement for its members to provide a compliant route to market for the provision of Conservation Works and Cy ....
Market Arcade Townscape Heritage Scheme - Conservation Works
Buyer : Newport City Council
Newport City Council are issuing notice of intent to commence procurement of suitably qualified and experienced Conservation contractors to deliver the repair and restoration of the Market Arcade in Newport – the city’s oldest surviving arcade.Th ....
Holyhead Market Hall Conservation Work
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IoACC) wishes to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified contractor to undertake renovation works.This contract involves transforming a long term derelict and disused former Market Hall, a Grade II Listed Bui ....
Old Beaupre Castle Conservation Works to the Inner Porch and Auxiliary works
Buyer : Welsh Government
Cadw are proposing to undertake a programme of targeted repair and conservation at this mediaeval and Tudor manor house which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The works will involve the use of delicate conservation and repair techniques to eroding ca ....
Dartford Gunpowder Mills conservation works
Structural repair works to gunpowder mills
TD019-21 Grimsby Town Hall External Conservation Works - Phase One
Buyer : north east lincolnshire council
EQUANS Services Limited, on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council, are seeking a suitably qualified contractor to undertake external conservation works at Grimsby Town Hall. The property is a Grade II listed building requiring a scheme of repairs ....
Leaning Woman statue - Heritage Conservation Works
Buyer : london borough of hammersmith & fulham
Heritage conservation repair works to the Leaning Woman statue.
KMCCD-018 Estates Buildings remedial and conservation work and Byram Arcade re-r ....
Buyer : kirklees council
Estates Buildings remedial and conservation work and Byram Arcade re-roofing and window repairs project. Byram Arcade CLA3200525 External repairs Roof and glazed lantern, stonework, windows, lead works, rainwater goods The Estate Buildings EI330460 I ....
Castleisland Castle Conservation Works 2023
Buyer : Kerry County Council
Castleisland Castle Conservation Works 2023
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