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British Museum Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework
Buyer : The Trustees of the British Museum
The British Museum is seeking to create a Framework for the provision of Professional Services Consultancy to its Estates and Capital Projects Department. The Framework will have seven lots covering the following disciplines: 1. Project Management 2. ....
Structural Engineering Consultancy Framework
Buyer : The University of Northumbria at Newcastle
The University has several major projects to deliver in its pipeline over the coming years which includes new build and refurbishments of its estates and may require Structural Engineering Consultancy Services and therefore is looking to put in place ....
Scape National Consultancy Framework - Scotland
Buyer : Scape Procure Scotland Ltd
Scape National Consultancy Framework - Scotland
Buyer : Scape Procure Scotland Ltd
Scape National Consultancy Framework - Scotland
Buyer : Scape Procure Scotland Ltd
Crown Commercial Service (CCS), hereby known as the Authority, is seeking to establish a multi-supplier Framework Contract for the supply of management consultancy including restructuring and insolvency services. Management Consultancy Framework Four ....
SCAPE, on behalf of Arc Partnership (the Client) is seeking tenders from suitably experienced asbestos consultants/analysts to provide asbestos analysis services. As a result of this procurement process it is anticipated that 3 asbestos consultants/a ....
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