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Carriageway Coring Contract 2018-20
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
Since the inception of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, (NRSWA), and its associated Regulations and Codes of Practice there has been a statutory requirement that all excavations conducted in the public highway as part of street works must be ....
Buyer : Conwy County Borough Council
To carry out a Structured Coring Programme on a sample of reinstatements of Utility Contractors Street Works, in either thepavement or Carriageway to ensure that they comply with the HAUC UK Specification for Reinstatements of Openings in the Highway ....
Buyer : Chwarae Teg
Laboratory Services for Utility Core Sample Testing Lot 5 - Coring and Site Inve ....
Buyer : Salford City Council
Laboratory Services for Utility Core Sample Testing Mini competition Lot 5 - Coring and Site Investigations of the Technical and Highways Works Framework
Audit Report Scoring Tool
The aim of the coring programme is to improve the service performance of Statutory Undertakers with regards to reinstatement works conducted on the highway and to ensure the integrity of the highway network and its asset is maintained. The coring pro ....
The aim of the coring programme is to improve the service performance of Statutory Undertakers with regards to reinstatement works conducted on the highway and to ensure the integrity of the highway network and its asset is maintained. The coring pro ....
HRE - CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - ACL/41Dykes Viaduct - Scour Assessment C ....
Buyer : National Highways
HRE - CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - ACL/41Dykes Viaduct - Scour Assessment Coring works 2024/25.
Company Financial and Credit Scoring
Buyer : The Pensions Regulator
Licenses to access Company Watch portal which provides Company Credit Scores and Financial Standing analytical tools and monthly data file delivered via API
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) requires a supplier to provide credit scoring services for loan book support.
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