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Award of Cost-benefit analysis for automatic fire suppression systems to be inst ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
The objective of this project is to carry out cost-benefit analyses for the provision of Automatic fire suppression systems (AFSS) to be installed when a traditional building is being converted to a hotel.
Ofgem requires a consultant to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of a type of voltage management technology, commonly referred to as Customer Load Active System Services (CLASS). The cost-benefit analysis will form part of an impact assessment that is ....
A cost-benefit analysis of proposed coordination functions for the Digital Regul ....
Buyer : Department for Culture, Media & Sport
DCMS is commissioning research into how government can enhance the capabilities, coordination and clarity of our regulatory institutions in the Digital Technology area. Regulators will need to rely on each other's expertise and experience to navigate ....
Benefits support for Population Health & Care Programme. or Evaluation Frame ....
Buyer : Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Headline Requirements: This tender specification sets out the support needed from a health economist across several areas and the timeline for this work. The main areas are - Help develop a framework for measuring the impact of project interventions ....
Benefits support for Population Health & Care Programme. or Evaluation Frame ....
Buyer : Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Headline Requirements: This tender specification sets out the support needed from a health economist across several areas and the timeline for this work. The main areas are - Help develop a framework for measuring the impact of project interventions ....
Benefits support for Population Health & Care Programme. or Evaluation Frame ....
Buyer : Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Headline Requirements: This tender specification sets out the support needed from a health economist across several areas and the timeline for this work. The main areas are - Help develop a framework for measuring the impact of project interventions ....
Benefits support for Population Health & Care Programme. or Evaluation Frame ....
Buyer : Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Headline Requirements: This tender specification sets out the support needed from a health economist across several areas and the timeline for this work. The main areas are - Help develop a framework for measuring the impact of project interventions ....
2021-124 Cost-benefit analysis for impact assessment of CLASS
Buyer : ofgem
Ofgem requires a consultant to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of a type of voltage management technology, commonly referred to as Customer Load Active System Services (CLASS). The cost-benefit analysis will form part of an impact assessment that is ....
GTS_RFTReserveZeroCarbon - To carry out a cost-benefit analysis assessment inves ....
Buyer : IWEA (The Irish Wind Energy Association)
To carry out a cost-benefit analysis assessment investigating the benefits to the power system in procuring all reserve system services from zero carbon sources such as Battery Energy Storage and Demand Side Response.The assessment would leverage pre ....
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