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CSSF: Development of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) System for th ....
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
Award of CSSF: Development of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) System for the Counter Terrorism Portfolio (CTPf). The contract will deliver Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) services to support and develop delivery of the global ....
The FIFA World Cup 22 (WC22) is due to be held in Qatar from the 21st November to the 18th of December 2022. The UK MOD has offered to provide Counter Terrorism (CT) Search training to selected Qatari Armed Forces (QAF) personnel in the planning, man ....
Low Burden CBRN Personal Protective Counter Terrorism Suit
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
Notice published for Transparency purposes only To develop a new prototype low burden Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Personal Protection Counter Terrorism (CT) suit to TRL 5, which meets the performance criteria set out in NATO ....
Counter Terrorism e-Learning Product
Creation of a e-learning product for counter terrorism for the regulated rail sector, utilising where possible existing ACT Awareness e-learning and creating new transport-focused content where required as well as supplying the package for remote dep ....
Buyer : Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice has awarded a contract for Counter Terrorism (CT) training. The training will support intelligence and operational staff in both Prisons and Probation roles employed in duties.
Depot Security and Counter Terrorism Patrols
Buyer : Northern Railway Ltd
Northern trains has an obligation to maintain the security of key facilities and undertake counter-terrorism patrols at certain stations. The services provide trained security at train maintenance depots and undertake patrols at 2 mainline stations f ....
Northern trains has an obligation to maintain the security of key facilities and undertake counter-terrorism patrols at certain stations. The services provide trained security at train maintenance depots and undertake patrols at 2 mainline stations f ....
Contract for the provision of Emergency Planning, Business Continuity, Counter T ....
Buyer : Spelthorne Borough Council
As a result of this joint procurement exercise, the Authority and RBC seek to appoint one Service Provider for the provision of resilience services to both the Authority and RBC (under individual contracts) to cover both statutory duties and desired ....
Police Custody Healthcare and North West Counter Terrorism Policing: North West ....
Buyer : Greater Manchester Combined Authority - Greater Manchester Police
Following a review of the service in light of changes to the Greater Manchester health and justice landscape and in line with the provisions of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 – the decision was taken to separate the existing components of the ....
Sheffield City Centre Planters & Counter Terrorism Deterrent Gates
Buyer : sheffield city council
Sheffield City Council is conducting this soft market test to understand the supply market for the delivery of Sheffield City Centre Planters & Counter Terrorism Deterrent Security Gates.
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