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15/ENV/2021 - Recycling: Provision of services for the collection of waste, bulk ....
Buyer : Wexford County Council
Wexford County Council (WCC) operates four civic amenity centres at the following locations: Holmestown, New Ross, Enniscorthy and Gorey. The Holmestown site offers to members of the public a facility where all domestic waste and recyclable materials ....
56/NR/2020 - Curating and managing public art projects throughout County Wexford
Buyer : Wexford County Council
Wexford County Council is seeking a supplier to curate and manage the delivery of public street art projects throughout County Wexford. This work may include any art form and will be in place on a temporary or permanent basis, for example: street art ....
49/WAT/2022 - Sampling and Analysis of Private Water Supplies in County Wexford
Buyer : Wexford County Council
Wexford County Council is required to monitor certain group water schemes, private premises, and some small public schemes which have their own wells. e.g. caravan parks, schools, pubs, etc.a) Compliance check (Group A) and audit (Group B) and duplic ....
WLD Energy Audits - Completion of energy audits for 20 community buildings throu ....
Buyer : Wexford Local Development
Wexford Local Development wishes to engage suitably qualified person(s) with experience in energy management and conservation to undertake energy audits to required standards in 20 community buildings throughout County Wexford. Having an energy audit ....
Community Blueway Training - Development & delivery of a blueway training progra ....
Buyer : Wexford Local Development
This tender is to develop and deliver a training programme which will engage local communities, clubs and businesses in the concept of blueway development and to initiate first steps towards formalising their existence in County Wexford, to the benef ....
61/ENV/2020 - Recycling: Provision of a service for the collection, bulking and ....
Buyer : Wexford County Council
Wexford County Council (WCC) operates 4 Civic Amenity at the following locations: Holmestown, New Ross, Enniscorth, Gorey. The Holmestown site offers to member of the public a facility where all domestic waste and recyclable materials can be deposite ....
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