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Quotation for the Provision of Public Analyst, Agriculture Analyst and Testing S ....
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Quotation for the Provision of Public Analyst, Agriculture Analyst and Testing Service Sandwell MBC Citizen and Consumer Protection Business and Consumer - Trading Standards is responsible for the assessment of Food and Standards including the descri ....
Horticulture and Amenities Chemicals
Buyer : Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council
The Council wishes to procure a contract to purchase Horticulture and Amenities chemicals on demand. The chemicals’ main usage will be across the Grounds Maintenance, Cemeteries and Healthy Spaces teams, but may be used in other service areas a ....
Grounds Maintenance, Arboriculture, Pest Control and Associated Estates Services
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UKAEA has a requirement for a single contract which covers the following main elements. - Grounds Maintenance - Tree Arboricultural works, which is classed as either Major or Minor, including surveying associated services contract. - Pest Control Ser ....
Arboriculture Services (Lot 1 - Maintenance, Lot 2 Surveys & Inspection)
Buyer : Exeter City Council
Exeter City Council is seeking to appoint one or more supplier with appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver aboricultural services; tree maintenance services and tree surveys and inspection services.
Wolverhampton Homes is seeking a contractor to provider Arboriculture Services. The scope of services required includes, produce and deliver an inspection and management programme for all trees upon housing land and located within the gardens of Wolv ....
Mid Ulster District Council is seeking tenders for a contractor to develop and deliver a PEACEPLUS funded Culture, Arts and Heritage programme, with primary age children, for Mid Ulster District Council. The purpose of this specification is to set ou ....
Buyer : Wolverhampton Homes Ltd
Wolverhampton Homes is seeking a contractor to provider Arboriculture Services. The scope of services required includes, produce and deliver an inspection and management programme for all trees upon housing land and located within the gardens of Wolv ....
Sections of Kilbroney, Castlewellan & Islands Park Newcastle have become run down and require renovations undertaken. These are historic sites, and quality of work must reflect the resulting designations and requirements of this high footfall sch ....
Sections of Delamont Park & The Grove Downpatrick have become run down and require renovations undertaken. These are historic sites and quality of work must reflect the resulting designations and requirements of this high footfall destination loc ....
This project aims to conduct a comprehensive review of existing data, activities, and initiatives related to breeding research programs, supported by conversations where needed with key national stakeholders, including research centres, universities, ....
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