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SN.GDCG2223/002. Darparu Adnoddau Sain a Fideo
Buyer : University of Wales Trinity Saint David
DARPARU ADNODDAU SAIN A FIDEO YN 2022/23Yn ystod 2022/23, bydd y Ganolfan angen adnoddau sain a fideo ar gyfer y prosiectau isod –oMireinio Cwrs Sylfaen (fersiwn y de a’r gogledd)oMireinio Unedau Adolygu Cyrsiau Mynediad a Sylfaen i fod yn addas ....
GDCG: Prosiect Adnabod y Seiliau
Buyer : University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Project ymchwil i gyrhaeddiad Cymraeg llafar dwy garfan o ddysgwyr, sef Carfan A a Charfan B.Carfan A = dysgwyr 16-18 oed sydd wedi cwblhau TGAU Cymraeg Ail Iaith;Carfan B = oedolion sydd wedi cwblhau lefel B1 (Canolradd).1. Cynnal ymchwil pen desg i ....
Purchase of medical equipment
Calibration & Monitoring of refrigeration and Freezers in the Labs
DCG & Graphic Design Labs - DCG & Graphic Design Laboratories Equipment Requirem ....
Request for Tenders for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance for equipment for our new DCG and Graphics Design Laboratories. Specification and quantities of each item required outlined.
DCG AEB Procurement February 2022 - AWARD
Buyer : derby college
DCG wishes to procure high quality subcontractors to deliver AEB funded provision from 1st February 2022 onwards.
2021-244 - The supply of Mathematics and Design and Communication Graphics (DCG) ....
Buyer : Cavan and Monaghan Education & Training Board
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a multi-party framework agreement for the supply of Mathematics and Design and Communication Graphics (DCG) class materials and equipment as per Appendices ....
Transformational Support DCG Service
Buyer : NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit
Provision of Consultancy Support - DATA CONTROLS & GOVERNANCE (DC&G) TRANSFORMATION This contract has been awarded following a further competition under the NHS Shared Business Services Consult 18 Framework
The continued provision of regular legal and litigation advice to the CMA. No amendment to initial or overall contract value.
COM.GDCG2324/08. Pecyn Adnoddau Cwrs ‘Croeso i’r Gymraeg’, Sector Iechyd a ....
Buyer : University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Y Sector Iechyd a Gofal yw’r sector mwyaf yng Nghymru gyda gweithlu o oddeutu 200,000 o bobl. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru, drwy’r strategaeth Mwy na Geiriau, wedi gosod targed i bob aelod o staff y sector fod â ‘Lefel Cwrteisi’ o Gymraeg erbyn 202 ....
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