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Translink operate throughout Northern Ireland with its services supported by a range of garages and workshops. Within the Engineering Division buses are maintained in 25 workshops across Northern Ireland. The likely waste streams from these locations ....
The existing LandIS agreement between Cranfield University (CU) and Defra sets out the conditions under which Defra can access:• The platform which is owned and hosted by Cranfield for the provision of National Soil Map (NATMAP)• National Soil In ....
Epping Forest District Council: Arboricultural Services
Buyer : Epping Forest District Council
Epping Forest District Council is looking for a supplier who can provide Arboricultural services to the council. The contract will cover major tree works to be carried out to the Council's stock of amenity trees, principally on land in the ownership ....
Background Crawley Borough Council (CBC) currently operates a small gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) district heating network in the town centre (Phase One), serving both office and residential buildings. Building on previous feasibility work, ....
Discovery Educational Trust - Cleaning Tender
Buyer : Discovery Educational Trust
The successful supplier is required to provide excellent cleaning services to the Discovery Educational Trust a Multi Academy Trust, based in South Essex and currently comprising five schools – Chase High School in Southend, Hogarth Primary School, ....
Discovery Educational Trust - Catering Tender
Buyer : Discovery Educational Trust
The supplier will provide excellent catering services to the Discovery Educational Trust a Multi Academy Trust, based in South Essex and currently comprising five schools – Chase High School in Southend, Hogarth Primary School, Kelvedon Hatch Commu ....
Independent Specialist Provision for Children and Young People with Special Educ ....
Buyer : Stoke-on-Trent City Council
*** This is the reopening of the Framework at the first 6 month Interval *** Independent Specialist Placements for children with SEND provides educational support for children and young people between the ages of 0-25 who have a special educational n ....
DVSA has issued this procurement opportunity via the Department for Transport's (DfT) sourcing portal, Jaggaer. DVSA is seeking a contract to provide them with the administration of on-line and limited paper-based applications for disclosure and barr ....
Provision of commercial waste transfer and disposal services
Buyer : Southampton City Council
SCC requires the provision of commercial waste transfer and disposal services to allow SCC to deliver all collected Commercial Waste into suitable locations that will provide maximum efficiencies to the Council’s commercial waste fleet in regar ....
Manufacture and Distribution of Food Waste Caddies
Buyer : Eastbourne Borough Council
South East Environmental Services (SEESL), a company wholly owned by Eastbourne Borough Council requires a supplier to manufacture and distribute food waste caddies to all domestic households within the Borough of Eastbourne, East Sussex.
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