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Provision of Medical Aid Insurance for British Embassy Kinshasa, DRC
Buyer : OFCOM
Ofcom on behalf of the DRCF procured the services of an evaluation agency to review the design and delivery of the Hub pilot and provide recommendations to inform either the continuation of the Hub in some form and/or provide broader insight for futu ....
Buyer : OFCOM
The regulation of AI, and firms utilising AI, has become an increasingly high-profile topic. Generative AI is new but is moving beyond model development to real-world deployment. Ofcom, on behalf of DRCF are undertaking this quantitative research to ....
The overarching outcome for the PARI-TACS Contract is: improved capacity of decentral and national institutions to be more accountable and effective in the management and delivery of public services. The supplier will provide technical assistance to ....
DRCF Marketing for the AI and Digital Hub
Buyer : OFCOM
This contract has been awarded for the provision of marketing services to support the DRCF AI and Digital Hub.
This contract award notice is for research services to increase the understanding of consumer awareness, perceptions of risks and benefits, current and future usage of Gen-AI.
Asset Valuations DRC 2024/25 & 2025/26
Buyer : Cornwall Council
The Supplier will be responsible for the Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) Asset Valuation contract for Resource Accounting purposes for the Council. The asset valuations required to be valued under the general five year rolling programme on a Depre ....
Estimates for Depreciated Replacement Costs (DRC) Asset Valuations at Various Si ....
Buyer : Historic England
To provide estimates to enable asset valuations to be calculated, by others, to comply with RICS Red Book Global Standards for Depreciated Replacement Cost valuations and Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) requirements.
Estimates for Depreciated Replacement Costs (DRC) Asset Valuations at Various Si ....
Buyer : historic england
To provide estimates to enable asset valuations to be calculated, by others, to comply with RICS Red Book Global Standards for Depreciated Replacement Cost valuations and Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) requirements.
Estimates for Depreciated Replacement Costs (DRC) for Asset Valuations at Variou ....
Buyer : historic england
To provide estimates to enable asset valuations to be calculated, by others, to comply with RICS Red Book Global Standards for Depreciated Replacement Cost valuations and Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) requirements
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