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Buyer : National Savings & Investments
The purpose of this ITT is to commission a suitable agency with specialist data processing and tabulation skills to provide NS&I with data preparation/entry services. Tenderers should note that, in order to ensure that the costs incurred by NS&I of s ....
Data Preparation Services for National Savings and Investments
Buyer : National Savings & Investments
As part of National Savings and Investments' (NS&I's) insight gathering, NS&I carries out both regular and ad-hoc surveys among its customers. Although an increasing number of these surveys are conducted online, some are postal based and therefore th ....
Buyer : National Savings & Investments
The purpose of this ITT is to commission a suitable agency with specialist data processing and tabulation skills to provide NS&I with data preparation/entry services. Tenderers should note that, in order to ensure that the costs incurred by NS&I of s ....
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