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Pricing agreement for original manufacture parts required to maintain Nottingham University Hospitals fleet of defibrillators.
Defibrillators (AED) , Training AED's (Including a Repair and Maintenance Servic ....
Buyer : West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
WYFRS are looking to replace the current provision of AEDs and Training AEDs held on the Fire appliances. There will be an initial purchase of 80 AEDs and 50 Training AEDs. The contract also includes a repair/maintenance service and a provision for t ....
20 x defibs
To support the ongoing provision of The Circuit, a national defibrillator network, that provides up to date information on the location and access codes for defibrillators in the community to enable the public to assist others suffering a cardiac arr ....
To support the ongoing provision of The Circuit, a national defibrillator network, that provides up to date information on the location and access codes for defibrillators in the community to enable the public to assist others suffering a cardiac arr ....
WYFRS are looking to replace the current provision of AEDs and Training AEDs held on the Fire appliances. There will be an initial purchase of 80 AEDs and 50 Training AEDs. The contract also includes a repair/maintenance service and a provision for t ....
The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) ( ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’) acting through its division National Procurement, is undertaking this procurement of Defibrillators: Automatic External Defibrillators includ ....
Defibrillators (AED) , Training AED's (Including a Repair and Maintenance S ....
Buyer : BlueLight Commercial
WYFRS are looking to replace the current provision of AEDs and Training AEDs held on the Fire appliances. There will be an initial purchase of 80 AEDs and 50 Training AEDs. The contract also includes a repair/maintenance service and a provision for t ....
Defibrillators (AED) , Training AED's (Including a Repair and Maintenance Servic ....
Buyer : West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
WYFRS are looking to replace the current provision of AEDs and Training AEDs held on the Fire appliances. There will be an initial purchase of 80 AEDs and 50 Training AEDs. The contract also includes a repair/maintenance service and a provision for t ....
THIS IS A NOTICE ON BEHALF OF HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT FIRE RESCUE SERVICE (HIWFRS). HIWFRS have undertaken a mini-competition and subsequent award for the provision of defibrillators via Lot 1 of the NHS Supply Chain Framework - External Defibril ....
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