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Buyer : Pension Protection Fund
Three year contract for desk booking software - costs stated are for the full 3 year term
Desk and Parking Space Booking Tool
Meeting Room and Desk Booking Software
Software as a service system used to manage the booking of resources including meeting rooms, desks, car parking and other resources across the Education Authority Corporate estate as required.
Room/Desk Booking Software
Buyer : pension protection fund
Execution of a 3rd consecutive year of a single year rolling contract for desk booking software. Value stated £40683 is across 3 years. We note that this 3rd year took total value over £30000.
Buyer : National Records of Scotland
Contract reference 23/0268 - Cloudbooking hotdesk system - SVARS framework
Desk booking software to manage the Construction Industry Training Board's requirement for hybrid working and office desk booking.
Call Off Contract awarded via G-Cloud 13 Framework. The Call-Off Contract provide room and desk booking solution.
GB-Cambridge: UKRI-2797 BAS Room & Hot Desk Booking Siganage and Software
Buyer : uk research & innovation
BAS Room & Hot Desk Booking Siganage and Software
A Desk Booking and parking management System in the Department of Social Protect ....
Buyer : Department of Social Protection
The supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a Desk Booking System and a parking management system in the Department of Social Protection as listed in Appendix 1
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