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Homes England-Development and Regeneration Technical Services-Primary School 1 D ....
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Appointment of Consultant team to assist Homes England in the delivery of PS1 at Brookleigh. T&Cs-
Leadership & Management Direct Delivery
Buyer : Construction Industry Training Board
Delivery Partner, Training and Provider of ILM Qualifications
Get Active Programme - Direct Delivery Projects and Grants for Schools Scheme
Buyer : herefordshire council
Get Active Programme, Active Families project - This project will use an experienced co-ordinator, trained in motivational interviewing to support families on a 1-1 and small group basis. The co-ordinator would work with families most in need who hav ....
Affordable Housing Direct Delivery - Site Investigation
Buyer : south tyneside council
South Tyneside Homes is to appoint an experienced and appropriately qualified Site Investigation Consultant to undertake and provide sSite Investigation services for a proposed pipeline of 220 properties (12 schemes)
Affordable Housing Direct Delivery - Architect
Buyer : south tyneside council
South Tyneside Homes appointed an experienced and appropriately qualified Architectural Consultant to undertake and provide architectural services for a proposed pipeline of 220 properties (12 schemes) to deliver over a five year period
Managed Stores provider to supply materials to support LBS direct delivery workf ....
Buyer : Leeds City Council
Managed Store
Supply & Direct Delivery of Postage Stamps
Buyer : South Lanarkshire Council
Negotiated procedure for South Lanarkshire Council for supply and delivery Postage stamps, with next day delivery. Stamps can be bought from other sources, but no other Supplier will deliver them free on next day basis to all the outlying offices, on ....
ESF NEET Direct delivery in East Midlands.
Education and training provision funded by ESF which supports young people who are aged 14-19 and who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) or at risk of becoming NEET in East Midlands.
Education and training provision funded by ESF which supports young people who are aged 14-19 and who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) or at risk of becoming NEET in the North West.
ESF NEET Direct delivery in Greater Merseyside.
Education and training provision funded by ESF which supports young people who are aged 14-19 and who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) or at risk of becoming NEET in Greater Merseyside.
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