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2021/12 - RFT for the provision of Concessionary Catering Services to Dunshaughl ....
Buyer : Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
LMETB invite submissions to this RFT for the provision of Concessionary Catering Services to Dunshaughlin Community College, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath as per the attached documents. The deadline for submissions will be 19th July 2021 and tenderers inte ....
2019 DSH Temp Accomm - Temporary Accommodation Dunshaughlin Community College, C ....
Buyer : Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
The project comprises 2 phases. Phase 1 - 4 no. prefabs with boiler/switch room and associated site works. Phase 2 - 4no. prefabs, 1 Science lab/prep room, car parking and associated site works. 528m2
MH-HSG-19-05 - Housing Development at Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath
Buyer : Meath County Council
The Construction of the proposed works will consist of development of 26residential units in total, including all all associated site-works including theconstruction of footpath, roads, car parking spaces, street lighting, ducting forutilities, forma ....
MH-TRA-22-37 - Ground Investigation works in Dunshaughlin Co. Meath
Buyer : Meath County Council
The ground investigation works comprise of the following:• The Machine Excavation of 5 No. Trial Pits to log road construction materials, natural soils, rock and groundwater (California Bearing Ratio (CBR) measurements to be carried out where feasi ....
20/012 - ITT for Fire upgrade works at Dunshaughlin Community College, Dunshaugh ....
Buyer : Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
Fire upgrade works to existing school comprising of the installation of new internal fire doors, firestopping around doors and service penetrations. Also, installation of external doors and upgrade of ironmongery to internal and external existing doo ....
2021 Gaelscoil na Ríthe - Quantity Surveying Services for Additional Accommodat ....
Buyer : Gaelscoil na Ríthe
Gaelscoil na Ríthe is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Diocese of Meath. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: •2 x Classrooms including WCs & S ....
2021 Gaelscoil na Ríthe - Civil Structural Engineeering Services for Additional ....
Buyer : Gaelscoil na Ríthe
Gaelscoil na Ríthe is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Diocese of Meath. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: •2 x Classrooms including WCs & S ....
2021 Gaelscoil na Ríthe - Building Services (M&E) Engineeering Services for Add ....
Buyer : Gaelscoil na Ríthe
Gaelscoil na Ríthe is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Diocese of Meath. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: •2 x Classrooms including WCs & S ....
MH-HSG-20-03 - Construction of 42 no. new residential units at Lagore Lawn, Lago ....
Buyer : Meath County Council
The proposed development includes the construction of 42 no residential units to include16 no. one bedroomed 2 person apartments18 no. two bedroomed 4 person dwellinghouses7 no. three bedroomed 5 person dwellinghouses1 no. 4 bedroomed 8 person dwelli ....
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