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GB-Leeds: E-marketplace to facilitate tail end spend
Buyer : Leeds Arts University
Direct award using the NEUPC e-marketplace to facilitate tail end spend
Buyer : coventry university
The University is seeking to procure a E-Marketplace system to support simplified procurement of standard commodity items. It is a requirement that the E-Marketplace system integrates and punches in and out to the University's current finance system, ....
Buyer : university of gloucestershire
Online e-Marketplace platform.
Contract for the provision of an e-Marketplace Portal for Somerset County Counci ....
Buyer : Somerset County Council
Contract for the provision of a social care e-Marketplace Portal System.
Supply of an e-Marketplace Solution.
Buyer : Worcestershire County Council
To devise an internet based E-Marketplace that becomes the first point of call for all Adult Social Care needs and provision, that acts as a virtual 'one-stop-shop' for information, interaction (assessment), support planning (either virtual, or perso ....
QUB/1321/14 Provision of an e-Marketplace Solution.
Buyer : Queen's University Belfast
Queens University Belfast wishes to appoint an experienced contractor for the provision of an e-Marketplace Solution to integrate with the Universitys Financial System (UNIT4 Agresso, Release 5.6.3).
Buyer : University of Liverpool
The University of Liverpool has recently initiated a Finance Functional Review. One workstream within the Review is our Purchase to Pay (P2P) processes and a key requirement of any improved system would be an E-Marketplace. Consequently you are invit ....
Information Days for a e-Marketplace for Social Care and Support Services
Buyer : Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire County Council have a e-market place and have joined forces with health service have joined forces to provide a single source of information for adults in need of social and health care across Lincolnshire. The online site we have develo ....
Online E-Marketplace for Adult Social Care
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
The Care Act 2014, places a duty on the Council to ‘establish and maintain a service for providing people in its area with information and advice relating to care and support for adults and support for carers’. The provision of an online tool is ....
Contract for the provision of an e-marketplace portal for Somerset County Counci ....
Buyer : Somerset County Council
Contract for the Provision of a Social Care eMarketplace Portal System.
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