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Fframwaith Deunyddiau - Managed Service Direct Award
Buyer : Adra (Tai) Cyf
Adra is looking to establish a new Lot under their existing Ffram24 framework. This Lot will be a multi supplier Managed Service Lot, that will allow members to direct award. Ffram24 is open for use by a wide range of public sector bodies, local auth ....
Renovation and adaptation of the National Mining Museum Scotland's existing building to house museum collections and office space. This includes works such as roof repair, window replacement, plumbing, electrical system upgrades, and interior modific ....
British Museum Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework
Buyer : The Trustees of the British Museum
The British Museum is seeking to create a Framework for the provision of Professional Services Consultancy to its Estates and Capital Projects Department. The Framework will have seven lots covering the following disciplines: 1. Project Management 2. ....
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board is seeking to appoint a suitable provider to provide the service of Neuro Rehab Additional Winter Pressure Beds.
Leicester City Council (‘the Council’) is seeking to establish a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (‘PDPS’) for the purpose of procuring Nursing and Residential Services as described in the Specification. All providers are invi ....
Provision of Educational Neurodiversity Assessment Services
Buyer : University of South Wales
A sizeable proportion of USW students disclose that they consider themselves to have a disability year on year with the vast majority self-identifying as neurodivergent. However, many neurodivergent students arrive at university without ever having r ....
Temporary Accommodation - Light Touch Pseudo DPS
Buyer : Portsmouth City Council
Portsmouth City Council ('the Council') is inviting requests from suitably qualified suppliers to be admitted to a pseudo-dynamic purchasing system (DPS) arrangement to provide temporary accommodation services, ordinarily in Portsmouth but also in th ....
Museum Consumables for Collection Storage Framework
Buyer : Natural History Museum
The Museum wishes to create a framework agreement with several suppliers to cover the supply a number of consumables required by the Museum to support two large Government-funded projects and the care and management of our collection.
Supply of permanent nutrient neutrality mitigation in Cumbria via upgrades to se ....
Buyer : Westmorland and Furness Council
Westmorland and Furness Council, together with Cumberland Council and the Lake District National Park, established the Nutrient Neutrality North West partnership to drive a Cumbria-wide approach to addressing nutrient neutrality in the four affected ....
Mid Ulster District Council is seeking tenders for a contractor to develop and deliver a PEACEPLUS funded Youth Entrepreneurship programme for Mid Ulster District Council. The purpose of this specification is to set out the scope, minimum standards, ....
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