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Extended Access General Practice in Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group
To deliver additional NHS General Practice Services across Eastern Cheshire, outside of the services commissioned under the national General Medical Services (GMS), Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) and Personal Medical Service (PMS) Contr ....
Extended Access General Practice in Eastern Cheshire
The Contract is being awarded to the GP Federation, Vernova Healthcare Community Interest Company. Its member GP practices will be subcontracted to deliver the services to ensure the appropriate Care Quality Commission Licences are being utilised.
Integrated Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service (ICSRS) — Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : NHS Arden and GEM CSU
To further improve the outcomes and experience of people who survive a stroke Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (ECCCG) is looking to commission an Integrated Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service (ICSRS) for the people of Eastern Chesh ....
Adult Hearing Loss — Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : NHS Arden and GEM CSU
Commissioners are seeking suitably qualified providers to deliver an adult hearing loss service under AQP arrangements across Eastern Cheshire.The aim is to provide a comprehensive patient-centered service for adults experiencing hearing and communic ....
Extended Access General Practice in Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : Arden & GEM CSU
In order to implement the extended access initiative, NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG wishes to procure a general practice extended access service for patients living within Eastern Cheshire. This service will be accessible by all of the patients of the 24 ....
Eastern Cheshire, South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs. Mental Health Provider Mar ....
Buyer : NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit
NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG, South Cheshire CCG and Vale Royal CCG are intending to undertake in the future a formal procurement for a contract to provide six, community-based beds for people experiencing a mental health crisis. The Commissioners are un ....
Adult Hearing Loss — Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : NHS Arden and GEM CSU
Commissioners are seeking suitably qualified providers to deliver an adult hearing loss service under AQP arrangements across Eastern Cheshire.The aim is to provide a comprehensive patient-centered service for adults experiencing hearing and communic ....
Adult Hearing Loss - Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : Arden & GEM CSU
BIDDERS SHOULD ONLY USE THE PROCUREMENT PORTAL AND SHOULD NOT EMAIL THE NAMED BUYER The commissioner seeks suitably qualified providers to deliver Adult Hearing Loss Services under an AQP contract within Eastern Cheshire. The aim is to provide a comp ....
Integrated Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service (ICSRS) — Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : NHS Arden and GEM CSU
To further improve the outcomes and experience of people who survive a stroke Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (ECCCG) is looking to commission an Integrated Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service (ICSRS) for the people of Eastern Chesh ....
Integrated Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service (ICSRS) - Eastern Cheshire
Buyer : Arden & GEM CSU
To express your interest in the tender please DO NOT email the buyer or the Commissioners named. All communication and interest is managed through the BravoSolution portal web address provided further in this advert. To further improve the outcomes a ....
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