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ST0152 Installation and Maintenance Electrician Apprenticeship to 4 delegates via day sessions delivery model. City & Guilds Level 3 Installation and maintenance electrician. Cost £20K x 4 persons. Duration 2/9/24-31/8/28 (LEVY FUNDED)
***Please note that this is an award notice and not a call for competition*** UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) had a requirement for the supply and delivery of Electrician Cable Containment Works. This was awarded following a competitive quotation p ....
Installation Electrician & Maintenance Electrician Level 3 Apprenticeship Standa ....
Buyer : sefton council
Onboarding of apprentices from the Installation Electrician & Maintenance Electrician Level 3 Apprenticeship Standard.
** Mini Competition ** - Electrician support (labour only) - January to March 20 ....
Buyer : north tyneside council
Decision to award to most economically advantageous tenderer following mini competition under Dynamic Purchasing System
Lot 1 - Mini Competitions, Apprenticeships Framework 2018-2024 - Installation El ....
Buyer : cumbria county council
Set up to allow Mini Competitions under the Apprenticeships Framework 2018-2024 Installation Electrician & Maintenance Electrician Level 3 Apprenticeship
65355 Installation & Maintenance Electrician
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Apprenticeship Levy Contracts for Defra Group Commercial Funds come from the ESFA Apprenticeship levy Contracts for let with start dates in 22-23
Provision of Tunnel Operatives / Labour - Fitters and Electricians
Buyer : cvb joint venture
To provide tunnel labour comprising fitters and electricians at the main drive sites of the TBM tunnelling operations at Chambers Wharf and Greenwich for a period commencing October to 2023.
Apprenticeship Training Programme - Level 3 Installation Electrician ST0152
Buyer : north northamptonshire council
North Northants Council sought proposals for the provision of the delivery of INSTALLATION ELECTRICIAN OR MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN - ST0152 Apprenticeship Training Programme for a maximum of 2 apprentices (Schedule 1). Total cost of apprenticeship tra ....
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***This is not a call for Competition*** UKRI MRC have awarded a contract for Electrician services following a competitive 3 quote procedure.
GB-Preston: TPPL Lancashire County Council HCC Lot 2 - 1 x Mobile Electrician L1 ....
Buyer : lancashire county council
1 x Mobile Electrician L1H2 Panel Van
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