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Provision of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Services
Buyer : Scottish Government
The Scottish Ministers, Marine Directorate invites tenders for the provision of short and medium range Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in support of marine and fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) in Scottish waters.
Ascent Homes are looking for a subcontractor to carry out all S278 works for our 55nr new build housing development at Longhorsley, Northumberland. All tender documentation can be found on the ProContract Portal.
Supply of an Inductively-coupled Plasma/Tandem Mass Spectrometer
Buyer : University of Leeds
The School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds is seeking tenders for an inductively-coupled plasma/tandem mass spectrometer (ICP/MS/MS) system, which can also be known as a triple quadrupole ICP/MS.
Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust - Catering Services
Buyer : Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust
Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily catering service.The services at the Trust schools are a mix of in-house (one school) and outsourced provision.The Contractor will be responsible for the ....
Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) System - Blood Sciences
Buyer : The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Contract for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of an Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) System for Special Chemistry, Blood Sciences
The Environment Agency requires up to four (4) Inductively Coupled Plasma OpticalEmission Spectrometers (ICPOES) for delivery over a three (3) year period.
The Environment Agency requires up to four (4) Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers (ICPOES) for delivery over a three (3) year period.
Following the issue of the following PINs, below, DE&S – Salvage and Marine Operations (SALMO) team would like to thank all companies that have expressed an interest in supplying the intended procurement of equipment and support as describe ....
Design and build of prototype isotope separations system to allow the experiment ....
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UKAEA are looking to build a Centre of Excellence in Isotope Separation systems, pulling expertise from around the world to enable the creation of a technical development pathway. This would allow the partners to model a fuel cycle for any potential ....
Access Platforms. Approximately 48 access platforms will be required, they will ....
Buyer : Diamond Light Source Ltd
Approximately 48 access platforms will be required, they will consist of an aluminum fabrication with steps up and down enabling personal access over girder assemblies. They will be modular in nature and allow for quick and easy disassembly.
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