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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has extended the anticipated duration of the the Dynamic Purchasing System for Employment and Health Related Test and Learn Provision by an additional 29 months. The Test and Learn DPS is open ended but now ....
WMCA Technical Education, Skills and Employment Support Flexible Procurement Sys ....
Buyer : West Midlands Combined Authority
This notice is being used to inform the market of the establishment of a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for Technical Education, Skills and Employment Support by West Midlands Combined Authority, which will from this point on be known as the WMCA ....
Provision of Employment Law services
Buyer : South Wales Fire and Rescue Service
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) are undertaking a procurement process to appoint a supplier for the provision of Employment Law services
Provision of Engagement, Personalised Support and Employment Activation for Path ....
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Engagement, Personalised Support and Employment Activation for Pathways to Work. LOT 1: Individuals currently economically inactive due to ill-health LOT 2: Individuals currently economically inactive due to caring responsibilities LOT 3: Young adult ....
Kirklees Council intends to establish an Electronic Marketplace (EMP) with Delivery Partners with relevant experience and ability to provide Adult Education, Training, Employment & Lifelong Learning on a non-exclusive basis. This EMP will allow appli ....
East Suffolk Council is commissioning a Youth Employment Service and Enhanced Service for 16–24-year-olds, focussing primarily on those who are currently not in employment, education or training (NEET), but also providing a universal offer to any y ....
East Suffolk Council is commissioning a Youth Employment Service and Enhanced Service for 16–24-year-olds, focussing primarily on those who are currently not in employment, education or training (NEET), but also providing a universal offer to any y ....
East Suffolk Council is commissioning a Youth Employment Service and Enhanced Service for 16–24-year-olds, focussing primarily on those who are currently not in employment, education or training (NEET), but also providing a universal offer to any y ....
Pathways to Work - Targeted Employment Support for Ethnic Minority Groups in She ....
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
Opportunity Sheffield seeks proposals which can address the particular engagement, employability, and progression to work challenges faced by residents within Sheffield’s ethnic minority communities, with sharp focus on those who are economically i ....
Opportunity Sheffield is seeking a range of providers to deliver a community-focused / hyper-local employment support project with an innovative approach to engaging economically inactive participants within different types of community settings. Foc ....
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