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The Authority intends to issue a Request for Information for the purpose of assessing the suitability of the market for the purchase of multifunctional Mobile Biometric Enrolment (MBE) devices and the required support software. To receive this RFI pl ....
Sheffield Hallam University have purchased an enrolment system that manages CAS applications for overseas students. The platform automates tasks that are required to issue CAS, Visa, and Arrival Administration. The platform also provides tailored CAS ....
HS2 Ltd have awarded Biosite Systems Ltd a contract for the provision of ongoing lease and maintenance services for the HS2 enrolment stations for an initial period of twelve (12) months with the option to extend by up to a further twelve (12) months ....
This was awarded following a further competition with all suppliers appointed to Lot 3 (Software) of the Crown Commercial Services Technology Products and Associated Services 2 (TEPAS-2, RM6098) framework
Microsoft Server and Cloud Enrolment Licences
Buyer : Isle of Wight NHS Trust
Procurement of Microsoft Server and Cloud Enrolment Licences
The Provision of a Biometrics Solution for Passenger Enrolment and Reconciliatio ....
Buyer : MAG Airport Limited
As part of the Transformation of Manchester Airport and the development of our passenger terminal infrastructure, MAG had a requirement to deliver a biometrics solution with supporting hardware, implementing the processes and systems required to prot ....
Buyer : University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Software related services for cloud enrolment
The apprenticeship learner enrolment system would be used by the curriculum teams, apprenticeship compliance team, MIS team and Business Development Team. To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the ....
Automatic Enrolment Operational Strategy Research
Buyer : the pensions regulator
Qualitative market research projects for The Regulator.
Provision of Microsoft Server and Cloud Enrolment
Buyer : crown commercial service
The provision of a Microsoft Server and Cloud Enrolment to provide licensing and software assurance for Microsoft software products to The Cabinet Office for 3 years including an option one year, plus one year extension.
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