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Inland Forecast Model Improvement - Erewash & Leen
Buyer : Environment Agency
Inland Forecast Model Improvement - Real Time Model Guidance Pilot
Quotation for the provision of a 'Visit Erewash' Marketing Campaign
Buyer : erewash borough council
The Council is seeking quotations for the creation and provision of a marketing campaign (including a website) for Erewash's rural attractions. The Council has recently had an award from the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). This contra ....
Tender for the provision of Surveys for Visit Erewash Campaign
Buyer : erewash borough council
The Council is seeking quotations for the provision of two surveys across four defined urban areas to ascertain their population's use of the countryside in Erewash Borough. Full details can be found within the invitation to quote documents. The dead ....
Erewash BC - Old Stables Business Centre
Buyer : westworks procurement limited
The conversion of a listed stable block into a business centre.
Quotation for the provision of Erewash Public Opinion Surveys
Buyer : erewash borough council
Quotations are being sought for the provision of a number of surveys to establish a baseline for the monitoring of projects that are supported by three large government funded schemes. Funding to provide the services in the quotation is being sought ....
CPH091 Erewash Community Wellness Approach Evaluation
Buyer : derbyshire county council
Derbyshire County Council (The Council) requires a provider with a proven track record of evaluation to implement a study and stakeholder engagement to explore the impact of the Community Wellness Approach Pilot within Erewash. This independent study ....
Quotation for the provision of a Survey and Marketing campaign to promote Rural ....
Buyer : erewash borough council
Quotations are invited for a Contractor to conduct a marketing and promotion campaign backed by an underlying visitor survey for rural recreation in Erewash Borough. The programme should define the current offer of rural recreation within Erewash and ....
Mids - River Erewash - Modelling
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Tender for the provision of Civic Transport for Erewash Borough Council
Buyer : Erewash Borough Council
The Council is seeking tenders for the provision of a suitable contractor for the provision of Civic Transport Services to Erewash Borough Council. Full details can be found in the invitation to tender documents. Deadline for return of completed tend ....
CETE071 Amber Valley and Erewash Greenwaste Contract
Buyer : Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire County Council is inviting suitable suppliers to provide a services for the reception and treatment of household organic waste collected by Amber Valley Borough Council and Erewash Borough Council from kerbside bins within both boroughs, w ....
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