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A pilot to evaluate the feasibility for providing satellite connectivity for the ....
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
The Welsh Blood Service wish to conduct a pilot to evaluate the feasibility for providing mobile or satellite connectivity from Blood Collection sessions held in the community all around Wales. The communication infrastructure will be utilised to acc ....
Buyer : coleg cambria
Deeside College is looking to appoint a contractor by October 2011 to provide the service to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the Skills for the Workforce European funded project.The Skills for the Workforce is an initiative provided by t ....
Evaluate the existing system and offer new options for the use of the Welsh lang ....
Buyer : comisiynydd y gymraeg
Contract to evaluate the outcomes for employers participating in the Corporate H ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Health Improvement Division of the Welsh Government is responsible for managing the Welsh Government’s workplace health programme ‘Healthy Working Wales’, which is delivered by Public Health Wales. Healthy Working Wales includes the Corpora ....
Pilot study to inform and evaluate the implementation of the right for young peo ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Education (Wales) Measure 2009 provides an initial pilot phase during which children in specified local autority areas (the pilot authorities) will be able to make appeals and claims to the Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales. The purpos ....
Gwynedd Council - Provision of Consultancy Services to Evaluate Loan Application ....
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Experian Evaluate Vetting Reports and Investigator Online (IOL) Licences
Buyer : British Transport Police
Experian Licences' renewal via CCS RM1557.14-G-Cloud-14-Call-Off for services: Experian Credit Management Solutions with Evaluate (Service ID 748101890629818) and Experian Tracing Solutions for Police and Law Enforcement with Investigator Online ....
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a Quotation Request. Award notice for Commissioning a Study that Evaluates Battery Production Cost in the UK based on LFP and LMFP Materials ....
Provision of services to evaluate and develop API maturity and integration
Buyer : Crown Commercial Service
Procurement of services to evaluate and develop API maturity, data quality and integration with data catalogues across government.
Provision of services to evaluate and develop API maturity, data quality & i ....
Buyer : Crown Commercial Service
Procurement of services to evaluate and develop API maturity, data quality and integration with data catalogues across government.
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