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ESCC - DE- PM12 - Harbour Primary School - Refurbishment of Existing Toilets
Buyer : east sussex county council
The works consist of the refurbishment of existing toilet blocks for Years 3,6,4 and 5.
Ardscoil LaSalle - Refurbishment of the existing toilets.
Buyer : Ardscoil La Salle (Raheny)
Upgrade and the refurbishment of the existing Staff and Student toilets on the Ground and 1st Floor toilets in Ardscoil La Salle
St. Finians N.S. - Upgrade of the existing toilets
Buyer : St. Finians National School (Finglas South)
Refurbishment of the existing 8no sets of student toilets and Staff toilets at St Finians N.S. Glenties Park Rivermount, Finglas South Dublin 11
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