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Exploratory research to devise a method for mystery shopping on customer service ....
Buyer : O F W A T
The objectives for the project are to: • Review the range of options for the delivery of mystery shopping for the water sector and develop an approach for testing. • Test the mystery shopping approach on a specific issue or topic. • Assess the ....
Employee engagement exploratory research
Buyer : valuation office agency
This contract was awarded following a competition through the Research and Insights DPS (RM6126)
Early Career CPD - exploratory research
There is a requirement for research to gather robust evidence on development needs amongst teachers in their early careers and effective practice in supporting and meeting these needs. This is an area that is currently lacking in clear evidence and c ....
Exploratory Research to Consider Ways of Conducting a Large-scale Qualitative an ....
This project is to assist the IICSA in scoping the design and delivery of a large-scale primary research project in residential schools which the Inquiry is planning to commission. We are seeking a research contractor with expert knowledge of the sub ....
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