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Orkney Islands Council (“the Council”) has a requirement for a specialist consultancy to undertake Part A: Ferry Replacement Programme and Part B: Orkney Harbours Masterplan (Phase 2), which collectively constitute this commission
Rathlin Island Ferry Provision - Pre-Market Engagement - (5443075)
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
ID 5443075 - DfI - Rathlin Island Ferry Service Provision *Pre-market engagement* As part of DFI procurement preparation, the Construction Procurement Delivery (CPD) is running a Pre-Market Engagement exercise on their behalf and is inviting potentia ....
Minor Skin Surgery
Minor Skin Surgery
SC23007 - Gravesend to Tilbury Ferry Service
Buyer : Kent County Council
This requirement is for the provision of a Gravesend to Tilbury foot passenger ferry service promoted by Kent County Council and Thurrock Council which connects Kent with Essex, providing links for education, social and employment purposes.
Supply of Specialist Ferry Berth Lifting Hydraulic Cylinders
Buyer : Dover Harbour Board
Purchase of specialist ferry berth hydraulic cylinders, technically required to match the existing units for compatibility.
Woolwich Ferry Fuel Supply by Bunker Barge tfl_scp_002272
Buyer : Transport for London
Transport for London (TfL) is seeking to gauge interest and obtain feedback in relation to the Woolwich Ferry Bunker Barge Fuel Supply Contract, through an Expression of Interest (EOI) form. The primary focus is to better understand the market, suppl ....
Provision of Westray to Papa Westray Pasenger Ferry Service
Buyer : Orkney Islands Council (Harbour Authority)
Orkney Islands Council is seeking to conduct a market test for the operation of a passenger ferry service between Pierowall (Westray) and Mocklett Pier (Papa Westray). Capacity should not be less than 40 passengers. Service will likely commence on 1 ....
DFI Roads and Rivers –Strangford Lough Ferry Service – Design, Supply and In ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
Buyer : Transport Scotland
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