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Buyer : Department for Infrastructure Rivers
Risca Flood Alleviation Scheme - Construction
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales (Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru) is looking to commission a contractor to construct a fluvial flood risk scheme in Risca, South Wales.Risca falls within the top ten of NRW’s communities at risk register in south east Wales.This is a ....
Anlaby and East Ella Flood Alleviation Scheme Improvement Works
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Provosion and installation of a flood compound on the Syndey Smith School site to be used during flooding events, including the installation of a drainage overflow, crest improvement works and bund installation works on Thomas Moor Playing field.
Flood alleviation works
Contract for Grace College Surface Water Flood Alleviation Scheme Study
Buyer : Gateshead Council
Gateshead Council has appointed a provider to complete an outline business case to assess feasibility options to identify viable solutions to reduce flood risk at Grace College in Gateshead. Call-off via Further Competition from Lot 4 of the NEPO212 ....
Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme ESE
Buyer : Environment Agency
Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme ESE
West Park Flood Alleviation Scheme. Improved access to a Watercourse/National River and improvements to assist flood allieviation and all associated works in an area of Hartlepool known as West Park.
Provision of installation for flood alleviation scheme for Reigate
Buyer : Surrey County Council
Provision of installation of property flood resilience measures for 84 properties in Reigate. PFR aims to reduce the risk of flooding from surface water and surcharging from sewers to 84 properties to a 1 in 20 year standard of protection. The c ....
Provision of survey for flood alleviation scheme for Reigate
Buyer : Surrey County Council
The contract for the Reigate flood alleviation scheme (FAS) aims to reduce the flood risk to properties, infrastructure and the community through a programme of interventions throughout the catchment over the medium to long term. As the scheme is pri ....
To project manage and delivery parts of the detailed design and construction phases of the natural flood management element of the flood scheme at Breedon including providing a conduit of communication between landowners and the Council.
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