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Footfall Counting for Leeds city centre
Buyer : leeds city council
Provision of a footfall counting service for Leeds city centre
VE/2023/01 - Footfall Counting System for Fáilte Ireland’s Tourist Informatio ....
Buyer : Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority
Fáilte Ireland is seeking procure footfall counting equipment for a network of Tourist Information Centres and Kiosks nationwide.
SOL - Footfall counting system in Solihull Town Centre (ERDF)
Buyer : solihull mbc (sol)
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) is seeking a supplier to install and maintain a footfall monitoring system for Solihull Town Centre. Solihull town centre has long been a successful and popular town and has thrived as the high-quality ret ....
Footfall Counting - Chatham Future High Street Fund
Buyer : medway council
The Authority wishes to procure a footfall counting solution for Chatham Future High Street Fund. Being able to monitor and report on footfall in each of the schemes is one of the most important measures for identifying similar successes or, indeed, ....
Provision of footfall counting and reporting service within Cotswolds, Forest of ....
Buyer : Publica Group
Forest of Dean District Council (FoDDC) is leading a joint procurement on behalf of Cotswold District Council (CDC) and Stroud District Council (SDC). FoDDC is seeking the provision of a footfall counting and reporting service to provide information ....
20/005 Provision & Monitoring of a Footfall Counting Solution
Buyer : Tamworth Borough Council
Tamworth Borough Council is leading an ambitious regeneration plan for Tamworth town centre and requires accurate data to monitor and guide this. The Contractor will provide a footfall counting solution that can monitor footfall in Tamworth town cent ....
Medway Council ('The Authority') invites quotations (Document 3) for the provision / supply of Footfall Counting - Chatham Intra High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ), as detailed in the Specification of Requirement (Document 2) and in accordance ....
Buyer : Tewkesbury Borough Council
Tewkesbury Borough Council are inviting quotes for a Footfall counting solution. Suppliers that would like to take part in this process are invited to 'Express Interest' upon which will they will be given access to the full documentation through this ....
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Supply of footfall cameras and analysis of data captured by the cameras in specific locations of Sunderland City Centre.
Upgrade/replacement of the current footfall counting system within Widnes market
Buyer : Halton Borough Council
Halton Borough Council is seeking to upgrade/replace the current footfall counting system within Widnes market. The successful solution will accurately record footfall at 8 Widnes Market entrance/exits and will allow us to improve our analysis of mar ....
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