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The London Borough of Haringey ('The Council')is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure and commission Independent Fostering Services. The Council invites suitably qualified suppliers to submit a request to participate in the DPS f ....
The Council has a contract titled medical advisers for adoption and fostering panels. The current contract will expire on 30/11/2024. It is provided by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (“CLCH”) who deliver the services under contract ....
Provision of Fostering and Continuing Care Service
Buyer : Falkirk Council
The Prior Information Notice and this additional information relates to a Provider Information Event only in relation to a Falkirk Council Framework Agreement for the Provision of a Fostering and Continuing Care Service. Please see Section VI below f ....
Commissioning Homes for Children Looked After and Care Leavers PDPS - Lot 1 Semi ....
The London Borough of Newham would like to invite Suppliers to an accredited training offer on Friday 22nd November 2024 to support suppliers in developing and reviewing their Safeguarding Policies in line with the latest statutory guidance. Title: S ....
Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) (PIN Notice)
Buyer : Bedford Borough Council
Independent Fostering Agency - Approved Provider List OpportunityCentral Bedfordshire Council, Bedford Borough Council and Luton Council as strategic partners, will be opening up an opportunity for IFA's to join their Approved Provider List (APL) whe ....
This procurement invites tenders from both new applicants to The Councils' Framework for the Provision of Independent Fostering Agencies (IFA) Services, or from existing providers on this framework who wish to improve their original price offers or t ....
Independent Fostering Agency (IFA)
Buyer : Central Bedfordshire Council
Independent Fostering Agency – Approved Provider List OpportunityCentral Bedfordshire Council, Bedford Borough Council and Luton Council as strategic partners, will be opening up an opportunity for IFA’s to join their Approved Provider List (APL) ....
Essex County Council Fostering Market Engagement Event
Buyer : Essex County Council
Essex County Council and other Eastern Region Local Authorities held a market engagement event in February to discuss with providers future commissioning arrangements for the provision of External Fostering.This second session will be to share detail ....
LPS CARE - Flexible Agreement for the provision of Fostering Agency Placements - ....
Buyer : lancashire county council
Contract Finder: Lancashire County Council (the Council) are leading on the procurement of an open Flexible Agreement for the Provision of Fostering Agency Placements. The Flexible Agreement will be a list of approved Independent Foster Care Provider ....
Flexible Agreement for the provision of Fostering Agency Placements
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
Lot 1 Standard Foster Care. The provision of foster care placements for children and young people aged 0-4, 5-10, 11-15, 16+ and Parent and Child placements
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