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NHS-SYICB-Dr Mellor & Partner (Garland House Surgery)
Buyer : NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
"Provider is commissioned to deliver locally enhanced services for the Barnsley population integrated with their additional primary care contracts.
CHA/02/UM - Garland Jnr School (Lot 1)
Buyer : west berkshire council
This is an award notice published for transparency purposes. Home to School Transport to Garland Junior School RG7 3HG.
Nurture Unit Expansion, Re-roofing & Replacement Windows Project at Garland Juni ....
Buyer : west berkshire
Alterations and refurbishment within an existing junior school satellite building to provide an expanded nurture and after-school unit with associated minor drainage and external works. Removal and replacement of existing roof coverings, windows, doo ....
Chief Sustainability Officer's Clinical Fellow Scheme 2022/23 Sarah Garland
Buyer : health education england
The Chief Sustainability Officer's Clinical Fellow Scheme is a partnership between the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and NHS England
Fishermens Stores at Padstow Garland R-Mer-Clad HPS200 with new Solar panels and ....
Buyer : Padstow Harbour Commissioners
Padstow is a small commercial port situated 1.5 miles from the sea, within the estuary of the River Camel. Traditionally a fishing port and currently home to a fleet of approximately 20 inshore fishing vessels, the harbour activity has adapted to cat ....
Alterations and refurbishment within an existing junior school satellite building to provide an expanded nurture and after-school unit with associated minor drainage and external works. Removal and replacement of existing roof coverings, windows, doo ....
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