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Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC) is seeking to establish framework agreements for the purchase of a wide range of laboratory and workshop gases (including refrigerants) and associated equipment and services. This requirement automat ....
The Tender is to establish a Framework Agreement for the supply of Medical Gases in Cylinders and Liquid Medical Gases ("Agreement"). The agreement will include the supply and rental of medical gases, cylinders, liquid medical gases, liquid bulk medi ....
NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) act in an Agency capacity for and on behalf of its customers (Approved Organisations) - existing and new. These comprise of NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of ....
Industrial, Medical and Special Gases and Associated Equipment and Services
Buyer : AWE PLC
Contract award for AWE's requirements for industrial, medical and special gases and associated equipment and services
Framework Agreement for Laboratory Gases and Associated Equipment to be utilised by members of the UKUPC HE Consortia (APUC, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, HEPCW & SUPC) members and the wider public sector.
YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial, Medical and Scientific Gases and Associated Products/Services. The Framework is designed to meet the needs of all public sector organisations wh ....
Buyer : Northern Gas Networks Limited
Supply of Industrial Gases across Northern Gases Network
Medical Gases in Cylinders and Bulk Gases
Buyer : NHS Shared Business Services Ltd (NHS SBS)
IUPC Laboratory Gases and Associated Equipment Framework Agreement
Buyer : Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC)
Supply of Bulk, Cylinder and Special Gases
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
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