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Provision of Services for Grass maintenance in Kilkenny City and County
Buyer : Kilkenny County Council
Provision of grass maintenance/cutting services for Kilkenny County Council withinKilkenny City, Kilkenny City environs and a number of sites around Kilkenny County.This grass cutting is within amenity areas, residential areas, playgrounds and pitche ....
Provision of Services for Grass maintenance on Kilkenny City Ring Roads and othe ....
Buyer : Kilkenny County Council
Provision of Services for Grass maintenance on Kilkenny City Ring Roads and other minor roads in the city and environs
Provision of Services for Grass maintenance in Kilkenny City and County
Buyer : Kilkenny County Council
To provide grass maintenance/cutting services in Kilkenny City, Kilkenny City environs and a number of sites around Kilkenny County. The grass cutting is located in amenity areas, residential areas, playgrounds and pitches.
Grass Maintenance Contract, Enni - Grass maintenance Ennis Area
Buyer : Clare County Council
Clare County Council wishes to engage a contractor to carry out maintenance grass cutting around the town of Ennis and its environs. The proposed maintenance works are located in the following areas and are specifically indicated on the maps accompan ....
Buyer : Bedford Borough Council
Grassing services. Grounds maintenance services. Grass cutting and associated maintenance services for over 800000 square metres of grassland associated with the Council's parks and open spaces, closed churchyards and highways in the northern half of ....
Highways Grass Maintenance Contract
Buyer : Wythall Parish Council
Urban Grass cutting services
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