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Supply of a Compact, High Flow Medical Oxygen Delivery System in Support of Divi ....
Buyer : Leidos Supply
Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it intends to tender for the supply of a compact medical oxygen delivery system with sufficient high flow oxygen to facilitate at least 6 hours of treatment per diver, with a view to awar ....
WHHT -High Flow Oxygen to AAU Level 3
Buyer : West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
The West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has awarded a contract to K & H Medical LTD for works to High Flow Oxygen to AAU Level 3 at Watford General Hospital
Home Haemodialysis Managed Service - High Flow Service User
Buyer : Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RDUH or the Trust) is looking to source a supplier to provide a fully managed Home Haemodialysis service for High Flow service users in the home, commencing in or before March/April 2024. Currently the ....
HSE RFQ - PRS high flow equipment and ancillaries
Buyer : health & safety executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN: PRS high flow equipment and ancillaries
Buyer : health & safety executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN We would like to procure the specification, build and install ....
STA8425 — High Flow Therapy Machine O2FLO Units and Associated Equipment
Buyer : Health and Social Care Board
The purchase of high flow therapy machine O2FLO units and associated equipment from operating room systems.
STA8425 — High Flow Therapy Machine O2FLO Units and Associated Equipment
Buyer : Health and Social Care Board
The purchase of high flow therapy machine O2FLO units and associated equipment from operating room systems.
(Large Pump) High pressure high flow rate pump for extraction
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Coleg Sir Gâr (hereafter referred to as the College) wishes to purchase a high pressure, high flow rate liquid Carbon dioxide pump for incorporation into a high pressure extraction system.The pump will consist of the following;-Have a maximum pressu ....
HSE RFQ - PRS high flow equipment and ancillaries
Buyer : health & safety executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN: PRS high flow equipment and ancillaries
Buyer : health & safety executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN We would like to procure the specification, build and install ....
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