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Hinkley Housing Demand Study
Extra Care Housing Demand Management Model
Buyer : hampshire county council
This contract is a consultancy piece of work to understand the current and future demand for Extra Care Housing across Hampshire, to inform design, size, location and tenure of Extra Care Housing schemes; current and future. The outcome of this work ....
Research Project: Arran Affordable Housing Demand
Buyer : North Ayrshire Council
NAC requires the completion of an independent evidence-based assessment of demand for affordable housing (in all forms, including, but not limited to, social housing, private sector housing, shared equity / ownership etc) on the Isle of Arran. The as ....
Provision of an Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Oxford City ....
Buyer : oxford city council
Oxford City Council is commissioning a study to investigate issues relating to the provision of student accommodation in the city to support the preparation of our new Local Plan 2040.
2020-21 Short-term Floating Support Service for Housing Demand
Buyer : London Borough of Ealing
This specification is for a floating support service which will support the London Borough of Ealing in delivering its obligations under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. As a result of the changes LBE is commissioning a support service for people ....
Assessment of student housing demand and supply for Cambridge City Council and O ....
Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council are commissioning a study to investigate issues relating to the provision of student accommodation in both cities. The successful contractor will provide reports and associated spreadsheet data which wil ....
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