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ICT Hardware, Software and Services Framework - 25
Buyer : Liverpool City Council
Liverpool City Council requires up to four suppliers to provide ICT Hardware, Software and Professional Services to the Council and partner organisations. The procurement will consist of the creation of a multi-lot, multi-supplier framework consistin ....
CPC intends to put a framework agreement in place with multiple suppliers for the supply of ICT hardware and peripherals equipment, and related services, open to both manufacturers and resellers that will offer additional benefits through collaborati ....
PA invites organisations to participate in a 60-month DPS for ICT Hardware and Software. The DPS will be accessible by all current and future Clients of PA. The DPS may be used by all NHS Trusts, Social Housing Providers, Local Authorities, Blue Ligh ....
CPC intends to put a framework agreement in place with multiple suppliers for the supply of ICT hardware and peripherals equipment, and related services, open to both manufacturers and resellers that will offer additional benefits through collaborati ....
ICT Hardware & Software Supply, Support and Maintenance - H&C/2020/306*
Buyer : Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Prospere Trust - ICT Hardware and Equipment Contract
Buyer : Chorlton High School
CPC intends to put a framework agreement in place with multiple suppliers for the supply of ICT hardware and peripherals equipment, and related services, open to both manufacturers and resellers that will offer additional benefits through collaborati ....
A framework agreement covering: Lot 1 - Desktop PC Solutions Lot 2 - Portable Devices Solutions Lot 3 - Peripherals Lot 4 - Apple Solutions Lot 5 - Multi-Purpose Lot CPC members are distributed across the UK, details for which can be found below by r ....
CPC intends to put a framework agreement in place with multiple suppliers for the supply of ICT hardware and peripherals equipment, and related services, open to both manufacturers and resellers that will offer additional benefits through collaborati ....
ICT Hardware Device Replacement - (Laptops)
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