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Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust - Catering Services
Buyer : Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust
Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily catering service.The services at the Trust schools are a mix of in-house (one school) and outsourced provision.The Contractor will be responsible for the ....
Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust - School Catering Services
Buyer : Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust
Birmingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (BDMAT) is a West Midlands based Trust of 18 primary schools and one secondary school- located in Birmingham and Warwickshire. BDMAT is seeking a catering partner to manage catering services from 1st August 202 ....
Diocese of Norwich Academies and Trust to undertake works to an existing area to ....
Buyer : Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust
The Diocese of Norwich Education Services Company (DoNESC) is carrying out a procurement exercise on the behalf of DNEAT to create a new learning environment for the academy utilising existing space. This work is to be undertaken as soon as possible ....
Issue of Invitation to Tender Tuesday 2nd January 2024 Bidding Companies to Visit Sites Wednesday 10th January 2024 & Monday 15th January 2024 Clarification Deadline Wednesday 24th January 2024 Clarification Return Deadline * Wednesday 31st January 2 ....
DIOCB1/195 Construction of Akrotiri Dormitory at RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus
Buyer : Unknown
Construction of new seismically compliant three storey, T-shaped 126 bed dormitory, to include a post office and shop at RAF Akrotiri, WSBA, Cyprus
Buyer : A B Davies
A project is being undertaken to harvest and process Molinia (poor quality mountain grass)into biochar to use as a soil conditioner.A suitable kiln would be large enough to process round bales (1.5m diameter, 1.2m length) into biochar with a firebox ....
Radiochemicals for use in Research and Teaching Laboratories
Buyer : Cardiff University
Radioactive materials and non radioactive alternatives for use in research and teaching. Please note that tender must be received by 23rd November 2011 at Noon GMT
R&D Radiochemistry Synthesis System
Buyer : Cardiff University
The Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Centre, Cardiff Univeristy require a Automated Radiochemical Synthesis EquipmentA flexible set of equipment is required to enable molecules to be synthesised that incorporate positron emitting radio-isoto ....
Buyer : Health & Safety Executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN 1 x BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSER as per details found on In-Tend
Biochar Pyrolysis Production Plant - Ludlow
Buyer : Shropshire Council
This is an award notice for the design, procurement, construction, commissioning and operation and maintenance of a biomass Pyrolysis Plant. This includes the provision of instrumentation, control and automation of the equipment, civils and electrica ....
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