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Buyer : centre for process innovation limited
SIMIT and SIMATIC PCS 7 software and licences. The software needs to match the control systems being used by CPI and must be proprietary Siemens software.
Awarded contract for Suit development
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
Awarded contract - published for Transparency purposes only
PCN Planning Toolkit Development (Phase 2)
Buyer : community health partnerships limited
Development of web-enabled PCN toolkit by parallel, developers of SHAPE
PCN Planning Toolkit Development (Phase 1)
Buyer : community health partnerships limited
Development of web-enabled PCN toolkit by parallel, developers of SHAPE
DAR 1014 SPOT Quadruped Contamination Suit Development
Buyer : ctm portal for the nda shared services alliance
This has been placed directly with Createc Ltd based on a direct award paper being signed off by commercial manager Steve Williams under ref 1014.
IT Development Work for ADX Portal to Power Portal
Buyer : bournemouth christchurch and poole council
BCP Council utilise Microsoft Dynamics as their primary Customer Relationship Management software solution. We were notified that WS-Trust functionality within Dynamics would be switched off in late April 2022. r r In order to manage the removal of W ....
Kent Intake Unit Development Project.
Buyer : ministry of justice
Contract to develop the site to be the new Kent Intake unit.
AiB - Provision of IT Development & 3rd Line Support Services
Buyer : Accountant in Bankruptcy
This contract has been awarded as a result of a mini competition between suppliers in Lot 1 'Digital Technology Projects' of the SG DPS for Digital Technology Services. The procurement process was completed using PCS-T.
Contract called off from Government Framework DOS 4.
Provision of IT Development 2019
Buyer : Accountant in Bankruptcy
Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government (SG) with responsibility for administering the process of personal bankruptcy and Trust Deeds, administering the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) and recording corporate in ....
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