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Insulin Infusion Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems and Associated Con ....
Supply of Insulin Infusion Pumps that can be linked to Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems, along with all associated consumables Supply of Patch or Hybrid Insulin Infusion Pumps along with all associated consumables. Supply of Standard Durable Ins ....
Insulin Infusion Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems and Associated Con ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’)
The supply and delivery of insulin infusion pumps, continuous glucose monitoring systems and associated consumables to all entities constituted pursuant to the national health service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. All NHS Scotland health boards, special ....
Insulin Infusion Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems and Associated Con ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’)
The supply and delivery of Insulin Infusion Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems and Associated Consumables to all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. All NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special ....
Insulin Infusion Pumps, Continuous Glocose Monitoring Systems and Associated Con ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’)
The supply and delivery of Insulin Infusion Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems and Associated Consumables to all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. All NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special ....
Framework agreement for the supply of Insulin Infusion Pumps, Consumables and Su ....
Buyer : Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
This tender is to establish a framework agreement for the supply of Insulin Infusion Pumps, Consumables and Supporting Services. The scope of this framework agreement includes Sub-Cutaneous Insulin Infusion Pumps, Consumable items, accessories and su ....
Insulin Infusion Pumps, consumables, and related services.
Buyer : Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
Insulin Pumps, accessories, consumables, disposable, and services to include delivery.
CSII Insulin Infusion Pumps, Associated Pump Consumables and Continuous Glucose ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’)
This Framework Agreement is for the supply:Lot 1 CSII Insulin Infusion PumpsLot 2 Associated Consumables for the CSII Insulin Infusion Pumps in Lot 1.Lot 3 Continuous Glucose Monitoring Transmitters and SensorsNOTE: The authority is using PCS-Tender ....
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