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NUNCON - Saints Refurbishment works - JCT Design and Build
Buyer : Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council
Refurbishment works at the Saints building in Nuneaton via Towns Fund funding.
NUNCON - JCT Design and Build Contract - Bedworth Physical Activity Hub
Buyer : Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council
The design and build of a new leisure centre and community facility known as the Bedworth Physical Activity Hub, adjacent to the existing Bedworth Leisure Centre. Project includes the construction of the new facility and demolition of the existing Be ....
Woldgate School and Sixth Form College - Main Works (JCT Design & Build Contract ....
Buyer : department for education
School construction works
King Edmund School - Main Works Contract CONTRACT relating to King Edmund School ....
Buyer : department for education
School construction works *Final contract sum include any previously committed PCSA and EWA contract totals
CONTRACT relating to Stafford Further Education College, Skills and lnnovation C ....
Buyer : department for education
School construction works.
JCT Design and Build Contract for the development of 24no. apartments at Silcock ....
Buyer : Torus62 Limited
The design and construction of twenty four apartments in two blocks for affordable rent at Brookside Road, Prescot together with water, gas and electrical services and installations and associated site works, landscaping, car parking, drainage, roads ....
Crowndale Centre Works (JCT Design & Build Contract)
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
The London Borough of Camden ('the Council') is seeking to award a contract for the provision of refurbishment works to the Crowndale Centre, NW1 1BD. The works are to be undertaken to allow for the decant of services from the Town Hall for the durat ....
Civic and Office Accommodation – Single Stage JCT Design and Build Contract
Buyer : Harrogate Borough Council
Harrogate Borough Council is seeking the services of a main contractor to deliver new civic accommodation on its Knapping Mount site on the basis of a JCT Design and Build contract. Register your expression of interest to access the Pre-Qualification ....
Civic Accommodation and Offices — Single Stage JCT Design and Build Contract.
Buyer : Harrogate Borough Council
Harrogate Borough Council sought the services of a main contractor to deliver new civic accommodation and office accommodation on its Knapping Mount site on the basis of a JCT Design and Build contract.
Maria Fidelis Main Works (JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 with Camden Amendme ....
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
The London Borough of Camden (‘the Council’) in partnership with London and Continental Railways Ltd (LCR) (together the ‘Procuring Parties’) are seeking to award a contract for the provision of a works contractor to undertake the main works ....
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