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Solar PV Installation at Keighley Leisure Centre
Buyer : City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Council requires a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to design, supply and install solar PV panels at Keighley Leisure Centre Please see Appendix 1 - Specification for full details
Ceramic Micro-filtration system to replace existing sand filtration system at Ke ....
Buyer : City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Council requires a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to supply, install and commission a ceramic micro-filtration system to replace the existing sand filtration system. The existing sand filtration system to be removed as part of the ....
Disabled Extension Works at 235 West Lane, Keighley, BD21 2NT
Buyer : City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Provision of a single storey level access shower room extension and alterations to kitchen layout
Disabled Extension Works at 20 Exley Road, Keighley, BD20 1LY
Buyer : City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Provision of a single storey bedroom and level access shower room extension to a semi-detached house, access and associated works
Renovation Works at 11 Cromer Grove, Keighley, BD21 1AZ
Buyer : City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Renovation works to a mid terrace property, to include for roofing works, chimney and gutter works, electrical and plastering works and general repairs
Disabled Extension Works at 11 Victoria Avenue, Keighley, BD21 3JJ
Buyer : City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Provision of a single storey rear kitchen and bedroom extension, internal remodelling and installation of a level access shower room and associated works.
Keighley Health Centre Roof replacement
Luminate Education Group - Keighley MET HUB Future Laboratory fit-out
Buyer : Luminate Education Group
Luminate Education Group (the Group) is seeking to purchase of the following equipment to be supplied and installed to set up their new Mechanical, Engineering and Technology hub. The requirements are as detailed in Appendix C - Keighley MET hub Work ....
Refurbishment of play area
Disabled Extension Works at 61 Greystones Drive, Keighley, BD22 7AL
Buyer : city of bradford metropolitan district council
Provision of a single storey rear bedroom and level access shower room extension for a disabled person, and associated works
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