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Weymouth and Kingston Maurward College Invitation to Tender for Student Transpor ....
Buyer : Weymouth College
Weymouth and Kingston Maurward College Invitation to Tender for Student Transport Services. 1st September 2025 – 31st August 2028 (With Optional 2x 12-Month Extension Periods)
Provision of Gym Management Services at Kingston University
Buyer : Kingston University (KU)
Kingston University (the "University") wishes to invite competitive tenders for the provision of Gym Management services at Kingston University. Under PCR2015 this is a concession contract and below threshold but being advertised publicly to the wide ....
Oral Health Promotion in Children in Kingston
Buyer : The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
The proposed service aims to improve the oral health of children (aged under 12) and to reduce oral health inequalities in this Kingston population, by providing Oral Health Promotion interventions over a 3 year period (2024/25, 2025/26, 2026/27) inc ....
Buyer : Sutton, Achieving for Children and Kingston
Royal Borough of Kingston
Evaluation Consultancy for the National Picture Theatre project, Kingston upon H ....
Buyer : Hull City Council
Hull City Council (The Authority) has appointed Brennan Research to provide Evaluation Consultancy for the National Picture Theatre project, Kingston upon Hull, via an open competitive tender procurement process (YORtender: Ref. 93551). The contract ....
Deliver an enhanced and regenerated Kingston Riverside to provide an attractive recreational, business, natural and sustainable environment between Surbiton and Canbury.
The Council is seeking to appoint a suitable consultancy to review the borough's Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land (MOL).
To deliver immediate integration advocacy support for families arriving under Route 1 and Route 2 at Guildhall, as part of the Council's Kingston United for Ukraine Emergency response.
To deliver After School classes for young students whose English is a second language.
Structural Investigation services relating to various underground structures, Ki ....
Buyer : Hull City Council
Hull City Council (The Authority) has appointed Mason Clark Associates to provide structural investigation services relating to various underground structures, Kingston Upon Hull. The opportunity was advertised from the Council's Engineering and ....
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