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Kitchenware, Crockery and Stainless Steel Cutlery [3661599]
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Kitchenware, Crockery and Stainless Steel Cutlery
IRC-F0620 - Multiparty Framework for the Supply and Delivery of Domestic Kitchen ....
Buyer : Irish Red Cross
The Irish Red Cross is looking for a supplier to provide kitchenware to clients within the Republic of Ireland. The goods required include domestic items such as frying pans, saucepans, cutlery, dining sets, cooking utensils etc. The goods will need ....
Kitchenware, Crockery and Stainless Steel Cutlery [662109].
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Kitchenware, Crockery and Stainless Steel Cutlery.
Kitchenware, Crockery and Stainless Steel Cutlery [662109].
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Kitchenware, Crockery and Stainless Steel Cutlery.
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