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Extreme Software License Renewal for LCHS
Buyer : NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit
Provision of Extreme Software License Renewal for Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust. This was procured using Crown Commercial Services: RM6116 Network Services Lot 2a: Intra Site Connectivity (Local Area Network) / Local Connectivity S ....
Patient Handling Equipment (Maintenance Services) (LOLER) LCHS
Provision of 400 iPads for LCHS EATS
Clinical Service Contract Pharmacy Service Provisions for LCHS and LPFT
Buyer : united lincolnshire hospitals nhs trust
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have undertaken a procurement on behalf of Lincolnshire Community Health Service NHS Trust and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. This is to provide clinical pharmacy services to both NHS Contractin ....
Buyer : United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
This contract is for the maintenance service for passenger lifts
Legal Services LCHS, ULHT & LPFT 2017
Buyer : United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision of Legal Services
Buyer : United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
External Audit services
The operation, management and maintenance of bicycles and the design and supply ....
The Contracting Authority wishes to procure, using a competitive dialogue procedure, a supplier to provide the following services for the London Cycle Hire Scheme (LCHS) under a bespoke services contract: - Bicycle Management which includes the opera ....
Pharmacy Services for LPFT/LCHS and LiSH
Buyer : Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Lincolnshire Community Health Service and Lincolnshire Sexual Health Services have a requirement for pharmacy services.
Clinical Service Contract Pharmacy Service Provisions for LCHS and LPFT
Buyer : united lincolnshire hospitals nhs trust
The Contract will be to provide Pharmaceutical Services to Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) and Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) and Lincolnshire Sexual Health (LiSH) as part of LCHS.
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