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Buyer : Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital (KCH) is looking for a supplier to provide a Moodle based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and Learning Management System (LMS) which will include an appraisal element. KCH has in the region of 15 500 staff and external cont ....
Buyer : university of sheffield
The University of Sheffield is out to tender on behalf of the Department of Estates and Facilities Management for a number of ultra low temperature freezers. Scope of Requirement: The University wishes to work in partnership with an innovative and su ....
Tender for the Production & Supply of Rental Patient animated information films.
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership – Procurement Services (as hosted by Velindre University NHS T
TENDER FOR THE PRODUCTION & SUPPLY OF RENAL PATIENT ANIMATED INFORMATION FILMSExciting opportunity to create explainer animations for patients with kidney diseaseSwansea Bay University Health Board’s Renal Department has a requirement for the produ ....
Buyer : Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King's College Hospital (KCH) is looking for a supplier to provide a Moodle based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and Learning Management System (LMS) which will include an appraisal element. KCH has in the region of 15 500 staff and external cont ....
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