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The London Borough of Hackney is tendering to secure the services of ITLA providers through a framework to support residents in the regeneration and decision-making process to ensure that they have an opportunity to contribute to decisions pertaining ....
Leasehold Purchase, Operation, and Development of Key Worker Accommodation at Sa ....
Pre-Market Engagement Event - Please note this is not a formal procurement opportunity at this stage. Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust (SFT) is leading on a procurement initiative to seek a partner to work to deliver an expanded keyworker and student a ....
The Government currently funds information and free advice services for leaseholders and park home owners in England and Wales. These services aim to:1) improve individuals' understanding of their rights and responsibilities relating to the leasehold ....
The UK Government and Welsh Government is seeking feedback and views on the proposed approach to provision of information, advice and support services to leaseholders, park home owners and commonhold unit owners in England and Wales.Should your organ ....
The UK Government and Welsh Government is seeking feedback and views on the proposed approach to provision of information, advice and support services to leaseholders, park home owners and commonhold unit owners in England and Wales.Should your organ ....
Disposal of Land by Granting a Long Leasehold Interest in Land off Grafton Gate ....
Buyer : The Council of the Borough of Milton Keynes
The Council (part landowner of Grafton Gate and Silsbury Boulevard) is intending to surrender a lease and grant a 125-year lease to the purchaser (Santander UK plc). Part of the land is used as a car-park generating income for the Council (currently ....
Alnwick Leaseholders Windows & Doors Replacements
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
Supply and fitting of new Windows and Doors to 47 properties within the Alnwick Area of Northumberland. The works shall include the removal and cart away of existing windows and/or doors, the fitting of new in accordance with the specification, and ....
Provision of Tenants & Leaseholders Contents Insurance via THE SIMPLE TENANT ....
Buyer : Stevenage Borough Council
Contents Insurance for Tenants & Leaseholders via Northern Housing Consortium framework
*Please note: this is NOT an opportunity, it is the publication of an award notice in line with the Governments Transparency Agenda* The Provision of Leasehold Buildings Insurance for Enfield Council A mini-competition for this service was undertaken ....
Responsive Maintenance Framework which will encompass general build and roofing ....
Buyer : Curo Places Limited
Responsive Maintenance Framework Lot 1 (General Build)Lot 2 (Roofing)Curo is looking to procure a Responsive Maintenance Framework which will encompass general build and roofing work requirements to non-leasehold Curo properties. The framework will b ....
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