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Essex County Council Commercial Vehicle Leasing Framework
Buyer : Essex County Council
Essex County Council is seeking to award a framework contract to a single provider for commercial vehicles on a leasehold basis, including maintenance and fleet management activities.This contract will also cover the short term hire of cars, passenge ....
KMCWRT-040 Further Competition: CCS-RM3710 Vehicle Leasing Framework
Buyer : Kirklees Council
KMCWRT-040 Further Competition: CCS-RM3710 Vehicle Leasing Framework - Provision of Pool Cars.
NHMF Frameworx Vehicle Leasing Framework Agreements 2022
Buyer : NHMF (NPC) Ltd
NHMF Frameworx has been set up by the National Housing maintenance Forum Ltd to undertake the development of maintenance and other frameworks for its members who are the subscribers and users of the M3NHF Schedule of Rates for Responsive and Void pro ....
Essex County Council Commercial Vehicle Leasing Framework
Buyer : Essex County Council
Essex County Council is seeking to award a framework contract to a single provider for commercial vehicles on a leasehold basis, including maintenance and fleet management activities. This contract will also cover the short term hire of cars, passeng ....
Essex County Council Commercial Vehicle Leasing Framework.
Buyer : Essex County Council
Essex County Council is seeking to award a framework contract to a single provider for commercial vehicles on a leasehold basis, including maintenance and fleet management activities.This contract will also cover the short term hire of cars, passenge ....
Buyer : The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as the Contracting Authority and Central Purchasing Body is procuring a multi-supplier framework agreement for financial leasing. This will include operating leases and finance leases. The Framework ....
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